In-house team of GDPR instructors required a way to create more awareness in regards to the new european laws.

The course was created based on the content provided free-of-charge by the European Commission on its website.

While the information provided there is very well structured, the way it is presented does not appeal to the average citizen. I aimed to create a more interactive approach of informing the population about their rights and also to showcase our company’s skills to deliver interactive courses. In this respect we used audio recordings of the online content, developed exercices with different types of interaction and a friendly UI that covers all 3 chapters:

  • How is my personal data protected?
  • My rights
  • Redress

I created a prototype using XD and built the course with Articulate Storyline. Eventually the course was split in 3 separate parts. You can view a live example here. More examples can be viewed on request.